How can you not love Jacqueline Woodson’s books?! Reading this book bestows a comforting balm to my heart. It is enchanting, endearing and engaging. Jacqueline Woodson has cleverly captured the beauty of summer in a nostalgic way. The words written on every page is filled with warmth and joy and will certainly spark interest in the childhood games from years ago. My class kids were inspired about the games played in the 70s and we had meaningful conversations about how children today are so frequently plugged into their devices preventing them from engaging in the creative types of play shared in the book.
One of my favourite tips for surviving the end of the school year is to get books that set the mood for summer. Reading this book to your class will bring out the joy of celebrating friendship in your neighbourhood and the summer activities one can look forward to. This nostalgic yet timeless book is guaranteed to exceed your expectations, especially the extra details added in the illustrations — the clothing (bell bottoms, shorts with knee-high socks), the cars and the best of all, the hairstyles. You won’t regret reading this book to your class!
Check out my video review here: https://bit.ly/SB_14Jun